I'm here too

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Follow Along

I feel as though I'm begining this new endeavor with dedication, inspiration and excitement, but I can't help to feel a little ill prepared. I mean I can write about the food I cook, and I can take all the pictures I want, but how do I reach people for the intention that drives the purpose of my plight? I've created an Instagram, and shared it's activity through both my account and Facebook. I don't think that it's just about getting followers. There's no need for me to add kids in high school posting "selfies" and pictures of burgers or hello kitty bracelets. While "All press is good press," as we've all heard, how can I find an audience interested in learning from me and sharing with me? People who are either into what I'm giving out, or intrigued by the idea of learning about the little bit i've turned into my own. Maybe I'm just excited and impatient. I guess in time everything will happen the way it is supposed to.

Anyway off topic but Blog related, my brother came to stay this weekend and I utilized my "Lucky Pot." We had shredded beef and shredded chicken for burritos. I took the potatoes sliced them and fried them up. Then used the onion, carrot and garlic to shred up with the beef. I have also found a great way to cut down on fat but not sacrafice completely by substituting "Plain Greek Yogurt" for Sour cream. The only thing I had to actually take the time to cook was Spanish rice on the side. It left me with a super rich broth that I used tonight to braise some mushrooms for the baby. That is why I love this so much. I get a couple nights worth of meals from one days hard work.

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