I'm here too

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Easy Peezy, Lemon Squeezy ( I used Limes)

Lately we've been eating a lot of soups, and I've figured out that when I'm bored of a warm, brothy, bowl full of hearty winter foods I can do so much more with the goodies in the pot. These meals also leave a good amount of leftovers and I love leftovers almost more than a BOGO! :) So for the last couple months, and I'm surprised it has lasted this long, Albertsons has been having Buy One Get One on Pork and Beef. Mostly cheap steaks, chops and wimpy looking loin's. But if you're just going to throw it in a pot with water, herbs, and vegetables then cheap is good if not better. Anyway when I'm bored of soup I just deconstruct the pot and my soup turns into slow cooked, super tender, fall apart meat and vegetables on the side, or BBQ pulled meat sandwiches, or shredded meat tacos, burritos, salads....you get the point. Then you have also created a rich stock for freezing or using tomorrow. I especially love this because It makes feeding the baby super easy and really healthy. Once in a while I make "The Hoon" homemade dog food and everything I use she can eat MINUS ONIONS AND GARLIC, it's poisonous to dogs. All in all this is easy, healthy and gives you more options which is always a good thing. I spend a lot of time in my kitchen and LOVE one pot meals that are simple, healthy and that are also devoid of alllll the things we love like butter, cream, cheese and empty carbs! 

Meat of choice
Celery leaf (fresh)
Knorr Chicken Base (I use Tomato)
Rough Chop or leave whole, cover everything in water, and let it simmer for a couple hours or until everything is tender. I add lemon to cut down on salt, but last night we only had the LIMES:)

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