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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

You might be dehydrated if...

One healthy habit to have is always to drink plenty of water especially during a meal
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The other day my boyfriend, Ty, who is constantly having neck and upper back pain was complaining again. He knows why, and he won't remedy his situation with a simple solution. I have been telling him for a long time that he doesn't drink enough water, and his muscle pain is largely due to dehydration. People don't want to actually admit how much water they DON'T drink. It's crazy that drinking more water than you lie about could quite possible fix some of your physical ailments ranging from fatigue, muscle pain, stomach aches, constipation, even wight gain!

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I had read one of those viral Facebook posts comparing Coke to water. I was reminded of this when he started with his stiff neck lament yesterday, and it sounds like I don't care, but I do..very much. I'm worried that the second most important person in my life is not drinking enough water for no good reason and feeling pain because of it.

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There is a really cool page I stumbled upon today when researching for this post and you can find it HERE. It has a great diagram and pictures for people with too little attention span for intense reading:) I enjoyed it very much, it has a lot of information about what exactly in your body is affected, and what parts of your body are mostly made of water i.e. your brain, blood, bones, and muscles.

Most of the time we think we're hungry when in fact we just need water. I'm not referring to replacing meals with water I'm saying that you are not hungry you are thirsty. I personally know people who hate drinking water and convince themselves that sweet no calorie drinks, juice or even soda suffice as hydration, but they don't..not at all. They are essentially sugar and in the case of no calorie beverages they are chemicals. Some times we need to realize that taking better care of ourselves is more important that what our taste buds prefer. Medication doesn't taste good even when they call it "grape" flavored, and if you are experiencing physical pain, upset digestion, fatigue or loss of energy sometimes the solution is clear, cold, refreshing, and sitting in your fridge!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Master Cleanse

Here is a little info on the Master Cleanse I spoke of in the "Ayurveda Lemonade" post from yesterday.

"The Master Cleanse is a Juice Fast. It’s a liquid diet that provides a healthy amount of calories and nutrients specifically suited for weight loss and cleansing, all while resting the digestive system and allowing the body to heal naturally.."  (source)

This fast has been widely practiced and researched since the early 1940's. A lot of people use it to lose weight and that is where you will go wrong. The Master Cleanse is a detoxifying cleanse. Its purpose is to remove the impurities and toxins laying deep within your system. You will definitely lose weight, but it's purpose is to restore the system to a normal healthy state. If you go right back to eating bad food and not hydrating yourself properly you will gain all the weight back...almost immediately.

Remember this is a body cleanse, misusing it as a way to lose weight is not a great idea, starving yourself for the sake of weight loss is NEVER recommended. 

Here are the basic steps to completing the Master Cleanse.

"The Master Cleanse is such a simple program.

First, squeeze Fresh Lemon Juice.
Then add Rich Maple Syrup, and Cayenne Pepper into Pure Water.
Drink a minimum of six to 12 glasses throughout the day whenever one is hungry (For the Lemonade diet recipe with exact measurements, scroll down this page)
Take a laxative before bed.
instead of the morning laxative, you can do the Salt Water Flush." (source)

The laxative portion of the steps is truly optional, but it will more efficiently remove the bad stuff from your body a lot faster.

Check out these links for other sources of information about the Cleanse.


Health US News

This is a great read by a lady named OanaWriter who, while making clear she is not an expert, documented her personal experience with the Master Cleanse.

There is always going to be a very skeptical opinion on depriving your body of actual food to "become healthier," and I definitely agree with starving yourself as being a very bad idea, but I have found that once every couple years this has helped me with DETOXIFYING my own body. I am not advocating that anyone reading this should go out and just start an endeavor like this, I'm simply sharing information on an option that deserves research if you are interested.

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Ayurveda Lemonade Raw Recipe #4

This is another very simple drink from Cilantro Live. It's a spicy lemonade sweetened with agave which so happens to make it totally vegan! This is also the drink used for the Master Cleanse which is a fast where you drink a spicy lemonade concoction, instead of agave you use grade B maple syrup, for a minimum of seven days and it is very effective in cleansing your deep tissues of toxins caused by the unnecessary elements we expose ourselves to. Christine and I have personally done the fast ourselves on a few occasions in the last 10 years. This lemonade drink is a great refreshing summer beverage, especially if you enjoy spicy flavors!


fresh lemons
cayenne pepper
filtered water

For a single serving:

2 Tbs. lemon juice
2 Tbs. Agave
1/10 tsp. cayenne
10 oz water

For a pitcher like the one above:

1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup agave
1/2 tsp cayenne (although I prefer mine a lot spicier so I used a whole tsp.)
60 oz. water

I throw in the squeezed lemons and chill. This pitcher will stay good in the fridge for about a week, but it will most likely be gone in a day!



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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

There are BPA's in your canned tomatoes, and I'm worried.

This is one of the most important food items that I use, and have chosen to question. I find it important since in my house growing up and at my grandparents' house, even my OWN canned tomato products were, and are, a huge staple. As a whole I can say my family is a health conscious bunch. I think I can also say that if we knew how detrimental this product can be to our health then we would have made the appropriate changes a long time ago.

(image borrowed from here)

Even the most conscious people at times make excuses for food awareness. We have all heard the conspiracy theories about the FDA, the commercial farming companies and food distributors. I think that scares people away from believing products are bad for your health even when it's logical. Conspiracy theories are at the root of a lot of indecision on health matters. People don't know who to believe.

The internet is flooded with false information and opinion passed off as fact. I rant about this constantly, and feel it necessary that I repeat it again for anyone tuning in for the first time. I try my hardest to read multiple articles on my current thought, research extensively, and also entertain the opposing theory for reference. I always suggest you do the same whenever I share my findings, you never know I may be wrong....IF I am then please come back and share what you have found so we can learn together!

"1. The Endocrinologist Won’t Eat: Canned Tomatoes
Fredrick Vom Saal, is an endocrinologist at the University of Missouri who studies bisphenol-A. (BPA)

The problem: The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A(BPA), a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to ailments ranging from reproductive problems to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Unfortunately, acidity (a prominent characteristic of tomatoes) causes BPA to leach into your food. Studies show that the BPA in most people’s body exceeds the amount that suppresses sperm production or causes chromosomal damage to the eggs of animals. “You can get 50 mcg of BPA per liter out of a tomato can, and that’s a level that is going to impact people, particularly the young,” says vom Saal. “I won’t go near canned tomatoes.”

The solution: Choose tomatoes in glass bottles (which do not need resin linings), such as the brands Bionaturae and Coluccio. You can also get several types in Tetra Pak boxes, like Trader Joe’s and Pomi. Exposure to BPA Causes Permanent Damage In OffSpring"

(images borrowed here for Pomi and here for glass jars)
(source from, "8 Foods Even The Experts Won’t Eat.")

Again this product in particular is something I use constantly, whole, chopped, stewed, paste, puree...For sauces, soups, stews, chili, side dishes, and at that rate I am exposing myself and my family to the harmful chemicals that the acids in tomatoes are drawing out of the aluminum cans they are packed into. Some people say in moderation everything is ok, but I am not taking that chance anymore. Why continue buying products that pose health concerns when you can purchase harmless versions of the same thing?

Here is an article from "USA TODAY" called FDA rejects call to ban BPA from food packaging. This is a great example of how the FDA dismisses proven claims against the harmful substance because it is used in so many products like bottled water and canned foods. It is strange though isn't it that children's bottles, toys, sippy-cups and any product they could potentially put in their mouth is almost always BPA free? Read that article it will inform you of the inconsistencies.

This article is directly found on the FDA website, here they kind of admit there might be a problem, but not to worry they are going to spend another hand full of millions to prove what they already know.

"Studies employing standardized toxicity tests have thus far supported the safety of current low levels of human exposure to BPA. However, on the basis of results from recent studies using novel approaches to test for subtle effects, both the National Toxicology Program at the National Institutes of Health and FDA have some concern about the potential effects of BPA on the brain, behavior, and prostate gland in fetuses, infants, and young children. In cooperation with the National Toxicology Program, FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Research is carrying out in-depth studies to answer key questions and clarify uncertainties about the risks of BPA."

(source is from the FDA website

"Bisphenol A (BPA): Use in Food Contact Application")

Again make your own choices that you determine by your own research, but always inform yourself on the issues related to your health and the health of your family, if you don't who will?

Thank you  to everyone who finds my content useful, I love that I have a place that I can share what is most important to me. 

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I have a theory...DRINK water, EAT fruit. What I really found out about those "natural" juice labels...

  The FDA requires that juices sold commercially be pasteurized. Pasteurization means heating the product 160-180 degrees for a short period of time to kill any bacteria that may have made it into the production process. Which is a good thing since there have been many food borne micro-bacteria infestations in fruits and vegetables. The problem with heating an enzyme like the ones that fruits and vegetables are made of is it kills most of the health benefits. In the end that bottle of juice you just bought, thinking it's adding to your health, is essentially sugar water.

We have all been convinced to think that a glass of orange juice in the morning is a part of a well rounded breakfast. Studies in health and diabetic articles have shown that commercial orange juice, even when it states "does not come from concentrate," is one of the worst things you can consume especially when trying to lose weight. You are essentially drinking orange sugar water, and labels will tell you what a great source of vitamins, fiber, calcium, antioxidants...blah blah blah, and I fell for all the same things. Pasteurizing removes most if not all of those benefits we all thought store bought juice contained, even the really really expensive ones. Pasteurization=not real juice.

Home juicing has become huge in the health department. There is one little problem with a "JUICER," and that's when you toss that lovely apple in it's stripped of it's most beneficial components that are found riiiiiight beneath the skin. Now the real smarty pants know that a high powered blender like the VitaMix or Ninja are the way to go, unless it's an orange then squeeze it fresh yourself! You toss everything in and blend it up, similar to a smoothie, and it's the real juice your body is actually looking for!

I have a theory... drink water, eat fruit. Fruit, naturally, has a lot of sugar there's no need to add any:) When trying to lose weight, especially for women it's a huge help to cut out anything with processed sugar. Next time you are in that juice isle look at how much sugar is actually in that bottle, see how almost all juices are from concentrate, and then when you find an "all-natural juice" see where it says pasteurized. If you don't believe me then do what I always suggest and research it, you will be just as sad as I was to find out that 18 oz. of "real" Blueberry juice can cost $8.99, and still be almost nothing more than Kool-aid.

P.S. don't be afraid to add vegetables to those juice-blends!


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