I'm here too

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I have a theory...DRINK water, EAT fruit. What I really found out about those "natural" juice labels...

  The FDA requires that juices sold commercially be pasteurized. Pasteurization means heating the product 160-180 degrees for a short period of time to kill any bacteria that may have made it into the production process. Which is a good thing since there have been many food borne micro-bacteria infestations in fruits and vegetables. The problem with heating an enzyme like the ones that fruits and vegetables are made of is it kills most of the health benefits. In the end that bottle of juice you just bought, thinking it's adding to your health, is essentially sugar water.

We have all been convinced to think that a glass of orange juice in the morning is a part of a well rounded breakfast. Studies in health and diabetic articles have shown that commercial orange juice, even when it states "does not come from concentrate," is one of the worst things you can consume especially when trying to lose weight. You are essentially drinking orange sugar water, and labels will tell you what a great source of vitamins, fiber, calcium, antioxidants...blah blah blah, and I fell for all the same things. Pasteurizing removes most if not all of those benefits we all thought store bought juice contained, even the really really expensive ones. Pasteurization=not real juice.

Home juicing has become huge in the health department. There is one little problem with a "JUICER," and that's when you toss that lovely apple in it's stripped of it's most beneficial components that are found riiiiiight beneath the skin. Now the real smarty pants know that a high powered blender like the VitaMix or Ninja are the way to go, unless it's an orange then squeeze it fresh yourself! You toss everything in and blend it up, similar to a smoothie, and it's the real juice your body is actually looking for!

I have a theory... drink water, eat fruit. Fruit, naturally, has a lot of sugar there's no need to add any:) When trying to lose weight, especially for women it's a huge help to cut out anything with processed sugar. Next time you are in that juice isle look at how much sugar is actually in that bottle, see how almost all juices are from concentrate, and then when you find an "all-natural juice" see where it says pasteurized. If you don't believe me then do what I always suggest and research it, you will be just as sad as I was to find out that 18 oz. of "real" Blueberry juice can cost $8.99, and still be almost nothing more than Kool-aid.

P.S. don't be afraid to add vegetables to those juice-blends!


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