I'm here too

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cha-cha-cha-cha Changes

Wow it's been a pretty long time since I've posted, and I kind of forgot this existed. I stumbled upon it by searching Google for, "How to start a blog." I have since last share, had many tremendously wonderful changes..."Budgeting" is not one:). But I've found an awesome relationship with a man who will eat the things he dislikes, or atleast try them when I cook them. We had a baby that is two months shy of a year and will eat anything I put in front of her. We have since moved back to San Diego and couldn't be happier. Oh and not to forget we are complete with a rescue Shepherd mix named Bella that I call Hoon. Anyway the resurgence of said "Blog" is motivated by my present part-time gig as the housecleaning, meal-prepping, chatty-cathy to my most very dear friend, Christine, "The Hunebee," who has a schedule that permits pretty much nothing besides her job, and her food allergies coupled with limited time force her to eat things occasionally that she shouldn't. I feel fortunate to not only get to see her every Monday night, but to feed her which is my most favorite part, and slightly my only reason reason for cooking besides taste! She not only provides late night laughter and friendship but also comes adorned with food specific allergies. She can't eat Poultry, or Gluten. While it could be much worse it's still an obsticle and a little more expensive, but food is what keeps us going, gives us pleasure and brings us together, and for those reasons it becomes priceless. :)

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