I'm here too

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Jazz it up in less than 10 minutes, from prep to plate!

Today the Boo and I had a great visit from a girlfriend I've known since middle school. She and her adorable little boy Adam came and played for a couple hours and we had a little snacky lunch. I threw together a pasta salad real quick, made some yogurt dip for vegetables and Greek potatoes(lime and dill) I had so much fun last night with The Hunebee, attempting videos, that I decided to throw something together real quick so I could get my practice on!

In less than 10 minutes I prepped up some add-ins for the already completed Pasta Salad. Inside the salad, already, was olive oil, Queso fresco, fresh thyme, fresh basil, and about a 1/3 cup Greek yogurt. I added fresh spinach, scallions (tops and bottoms), and Lime all ORGANIC and garden fresh from Momma Gina that Christine brought last night. From my fridge and pantry there is garlic and sweet peppers that I sauteed all together till slightly wilted and immediately tossed with the original Pasta.

Although it was a little different taping myself it was fun to try and it's helping me figure out my way. We are thinking of going "Go-Pro" soon so I promise quality will only improve!


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