I'm here too

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Adventures in Cooking video-clips

I have been playing around with the idea of making videos of my cooking for the last couple weeks. I was motivated last week by Mark and Matt, from my weekly business chat, to have one to show this Wednesday. My day on Monday was hectic and although Jesse came up from North Park to help I had no way of tackling that endeavour. Christine (The Hunebee) came up for what was supposed to be the day of my Sissie's (Amanda) Induction date, but that got rescheduled, and ended up being a great opportunity to try making a video. We ran into a couple roadblocks but persevered otherwise. Instagram was a total fail and although I'm proud that we stuck with it I have to admit that the original video clip was so awesome. It was supposed to be a beginning  to the end type of show all with no words, but halfway through my Application decided to crash and deleted the whole thing. Funny, normally that would have upset me, but for once in the history of time The Hunebee and I traded places in the reaction department. So although I would have preferred to offer a much more quality clip I am pretty proud that we tried something new and below you can see a glimpse of something I intend on improving, and including, each week for everyone's viewing pleasure! 

The Meals* featured in the video clip were a carrot salad with mango, mint and cucumber for The Hunebee. Jesse got a jar of spinach and garlic mashed potatoes with lime, dill tilapia, while Angelo got lime-salmon and potatoes. Again the intention of the video was to show prep. to finished plate, but when life gives you limes (from The Hunebee and Jesse's Momma's house) use it to deglaze a pan of fish<3

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