I'm here too

Friday, May 2, 2014

Looking for some great RAW Vegan recipes?

Christine, The Hunebee, and I used to work in a Raw, Vegan restaurant. I have previously mentioned this in past posts, but never specified where. Cilantro Live was a small Vegan eatery that opened up on 3rd Avenue down in the middle of Chula Vista, Ca. It was at the time one of the first restaurants of it's kind. I have to admit it was also one of the most fun jobs I have had. We learned so much and got to play around with food all day besides getting to eat it! They have since closed the doors to all of their locations which is a bummer because it was a great idea. In the end it was a lack of consistency in the ownership department. On a better note there were so many awesome recipes that Christine and I got to learn. If anyone reading this isn't familiar with a "Raw, Vegan" diet here is an excerpt from Wikipedia.com,  and since they said it so well why not let them do the work!

I am excited to say that The Hunebee and I will be feverishly working in the kitchen for the next couple weeks trying to re-create the dishes we favored like the "Lemon Coconut Dream Bar" which is a Vegan cheesecake made from baby coconut meat, vanilla bean and fresh lemon. The "pie crust" for this raw dessert consists of assorted specialty nuts, agave and a handful of our favorite baking spices. The texture of the "crust" is the best part aside from the great nutty flavor with a hint of sweet. Next to tackle will be something called "Raw-violis" which are delectable little roma tomato sandwiches stuffed with fresh pesto. These are dehydrated and are also a great reason for me to go buy the dehydrator I have been neglecting to purchase for some time now. Cilantro used to offer some great drinks and one of our favorites was a "Raw-Margarita." It's definitely not what you're thinking there is no alcohol, rather tart green apple juice, spicy ginger, fresh lime and a sprinkle of cinnamon, but a medley of perfect flavors that compliment each other perfectly. There are many other really unique items and recipes we learned, and as we go we will be sure to share!

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Thank you everyone for stopping by, we are still working hard at bringing you the video portion of some of my best dishes!


Cilantro Live "Sample Platter," Raw-violis, mini Pizzazas, Nori roll, Spring Roll, Pate', and small house salad.

(picture from Potatomato Blog)

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